Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Question - What do I love the most about music?

The question I was asked in Media Class today...

Its a difficult one, I sort of shy away at answering these questions in real life, mainly due to so many people being inept at actual analysis and dissection of musical theory. To ME, the most important part of popular music is the lyrics that are being used. If it doesn't tell a story then its just chords and a melody.

I could go on for hours about my listening habits and how I remember lyrics in everyday situations, but to me, connecting with the music is the most important thing. To me its a songs lyrics, to you it may be a beat or an instrument or a tone or a genre, and thats why music is brilliant.

Music has the ability to draw you in using so many of its features. You can like death metal or pop and still form a connection.

Singer songwriter Andrew Belle has some of the most hauntingly beautiful lyrics i have ever heard.

It is interesting seeing how different people react to different parts of music. My friend really likes Dub-Step, and his rationale is  "Its got a good beat"...... fair enough, he connects with it, and that should be a good enough reason.

In conclusion on this semi-planned, music themed rant, music should not ever be criticized or judged because it is subjective, and if an individual likes something about an artist or song, good for them :)

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