Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010


What do butterflies feel in their stomachs when they are in love?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

School Spectacular!

It seems a million years ago I was in School Spec, what a fantastic learning experience and fun couple of months.

My sister just finished her first one and loved every moment. Congratulations NSW Performing Arts Unit!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

It has been a while

So much has happened recently, some things to DARIUS to actually write here.

Anyway, had a great SHORT + SWEET performance season and am ecstatic!

May work for Camp Quality

Wouldn't that be an experience? Acting for sick kids all around Australia?


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Dear Diary.... lol jks

Did you know there are 87,000 possible starbucks drink combinations? Staggering figure...


Yeah I am good at the moment, got a pretty busy last week of university and SHORT + SWEET rehearsals are going great.

Wish i could get sleep though.... wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Thursday, October 14, 2010


This week I started working with a young female actress. She is so talented and the things she has done on stage already are nearly jaw-dropping. The best thing is - She isn't pretentious. HOW INCREDIBLE!

Can't wait to work on more scenes together.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


This game is top notch.

Nothing... I mean NOTHING is wrong with it.

what a delicious and intense game.. love it

Monday, October 11, 2010

Tiger Airways sucks

Don't ever fly Tiger Airways.

I have flown with them 11 times now and had at least 3 delays and a concussion. What a fucking joke, I am so sick of people having cheap options for things and having a service that is not even remotely up to standard. Jet Star is $20 and does not have this many problems. Can't wait to fire off this angry email to some douche bag public relations person who will give me a stock standard response of how mistakes happen.

It starts off like this - Dear Tiger Airways, Fuck you, Fuck you Fuck YOU!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Sydney Surge

Off to my Sisters 18th today.. to the beautiful city of Sydney.


Can't wait to be back with the boys (and a certain girl)

Monday, October 4, 2010

This is how I feel

I should stop spending so much time seeing people, and spend more time to getting stuff done
(during week days between 9-7)

Its just so annoying, putting in uni applications for Sydney, doing tax forms, short and sweet audition, 6 university assignments, christmas plans, seeing concerts, paying rent, looking for christmas casual jobs.

I just feel so bombarded by paper work its FRUSTRATING ME

I feel like this person... just not a woman. AHHHHH 

Somebody bring a six-pack and we can sit by the river yelling at the ducks!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Want to see a movie?

I saw this movie yesterday, it is quite funny and silly... just like myself!

What a fantastic piece of animation :)

I will be honest

I saw this picture in a window today.

I don't care what this advertisement is about.. I just want this woman

Friday, October 1, 2010


The more auditions you go to, the more comfortable you are, its a FACT!

Thats why recently I have been trying to go to more and more auditions to familiarise myself with what the conditions are like.

This picture below caught my..... umm... attention.

She can Audition for me any day!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sean Hover...

Jay-Z is one of the best hip hop music artists of all time. He has incredible lyrics and every album of his is definitely worth listening to.

My favourite album is the Blueprint 3 and my favourite song is "On to the next one"  

Seriously, Jay-Z is fantastic and I wish he was doing a solo concert in Australia!

Monday, September 27, 2010

What the hell!

This is a Tapir, possibly the most ridiculous looking thing on the planet!

I wonder what it would taste like? Maybe beef or chicken? Maybe beefy chicken!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Hilarity will ensue once you see this picture -

Really.... what the hell is he doing!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Week off from University

So this week off....

Can't wait, its gonna be awesome!

Hopefully I wont remember any of it - 


Thursday, September 23, 2010

What I will be selling - Sexy SEXY SEXY SEXY SEXY!

This is the product I have been selected to sell on the weekend... it will be difficult and I have no idea which job I will be actually doing (hopefully acting). But maybe, just maybe, in the near future I can buy one of these beautiful machines and call it my own.

BTW - I am stealing one :)

Bit of a Rebel...

not really..

Had a pretty intense week so far, assessments, new job, friends over, uni parties, drinking non-stop and another big weekend to look forward too. Can't seem to get any sleep.....

Organising my belated birthday party. Few plans here and there and a guest list, but we will see what happens.

Best wishes to my sister who graduated high school yesterday :D

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Excited for the weekend. lets go COLLINGWOOD!

It will be a match of the ages, hopefully Collingwood comes out on top... cause I really hate St Kilda

Wish I was going

I am also too short to be an AFL player.... FACT

Monday, September 20, 2010

Buy me a drink... or a car

If I was to get a car today, and could spend as much money as needed, this would be my purchase:

The Audi R8... The sexiest and most lethal car on the planet.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Best Television Character?

Hmmmm...... this is tough... but one of my top 5 would definitely be THIS GUY:

The character he portrays is fantastic in every episode

Beer, strippers, go karts and a 54 inch plasma

What a weekend. So many stories and laughs we had together.

This photo should sum it up -

This is what happened on our Bucks Night... Will was so brave!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

So busy... blogging while tying my shoes!

This weekend is going to be MASSIVE

- Working 8pm-6am Friday Night
- Wills Bucks Night starts at 10:30 Saturday morning
- Out in the city at Wobble on Saturday night
- Pirate Pirade 12pm Sunday
- Blue Bar Sunday Night

I am pretty sure that I will be really wrecked by Sunday though.... maybe I will function better with lack of sleep? (hopeful thinking)

This is the likely outcome of Saturday night -

But lets hope not, lets just hope that Will has a fantastic night and that all the boys pick up in the city.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I can't sleep... how frustrating....

My sleeping pattern is rubbish, this is because of my working late shifts at a nightclub and fucking around with friends until the sun comes up. Though, some decisions I am making some good decisions affecting my immediate future.

In other news, I saw this movie the other day, HILARIOUS!

Go see it if you have time :)

The Other Guys

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lowenbrau! The best pub in Sydney

If you ever venture to Sydney, I beg you to visit the Lowenbrau German Bar

It is a great establishment, with amazing food, drink, music and locals.

This is the Lowenbrau Original - more like LOWENBRAU DELICIOUS!

This is also the reason I will be visiting Alcoholics Anonymous in the near future.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Last day of year 12

We had an epic last day at high school. The whole grade went drinking in Camperdown park and then attended graduation ceremonies and hung out and said our goodbyes.

This was one of my favourite pictures of the last day. She is one of the best actresses I have ever met. Also possibly the funniest people in the world.... after myself and Arj barker

Sian and myself. I miss her so much   :(

Sunday, September 12, 2010

My head is going to explode

Just got the new album - The Script - Science and Faith

My favourite song so far is "Dead and gone"

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Last week

Last week was horrible.

 Some events include a friend from highschool dying, breaking my credit card, university group tasks frustrating me, lack of sleep and just general sadness.

On thursday night I nearly got on a plane to Adelaide, just to get away. Packed my bag and left.

 I went to the airport but missed the last flights by 20mins.

I wanted to spend 4 or 5 days relaxing in Adelaide while doing assessments and cruising around.

For me this is scary because I am never usually this spontaneous.

This is my high-school - Newtown High School of the Performing Arts, where Alex and I attended.

R.I.P.  Alex Hore 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Jason Mraz, you are one fantastic performer

The best concert I have ever been to was Jason Mraz in 2009....

IT WAS INCREDIBLE. Opened by Lisa Mitchell and Eric Hutchinson and then Jason Mraz rocked out for 2 whole hours.

It was the best concert experience I have ever had.

Seriously.. lucky I am in love with my best friends

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I couldn't stop laughing!

LOL such a silly bear!

What am I doing right now???

I am sitting in a tutorial at university, listening to some dreary, old lady yell at the class about media ownership and control....

... this is what I would prefer to be doing!

Sipping beer watching the US Open Tennis Finals... yeah boy

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Robbie Marshall (AKA - the Super-coach)

This is back when I was a tennis coach, showing one of my students my  forehand.

2006 at the Sydney Private Tennis Academy  

I probably hit even better now... lol I would HIT THAT

Monday, September 6, 2010

Summer - 2010


HURRY UP because I want to get down to my holiday house and go to the beach everyday, feel the sand between my toes, get sunburnt on my back, get thrashed by 8 feet waves, drink corona on shore, laugh with friends on my boat and sleep lazily in the sun.

Minnamurra, the most beautiful place in NSW

I will be there soon, maybe even forever

Sunday, September 5, 2010

South of the border... down mexico away

This is Little Miss B   (Codename - Baby Boy)

She rarely lets me get a photo of her or with her, its very likely to get kicked or punched whenever you get your camera out.

She is one of my closest friends south of the border (melbourne), I wish I could tell you more about her, but she is mysterious.... very mysterious!

Things you can't remember

Isn't it funny when someone tells you a story or you see a photo of yourself and you can't remember the incident?

This happens to me quite a bit and it puzzles/frustrates me every single time.

This photo below is a prime example, me and my mates were at surfers paradise and this photo was on my camera, we all had NO IDEA who these girls were until Nick filled me in the next day.

All I can say is  - AWKWARD

Friday, September 3, 2010

My mind forgets the important things

You don't realise how bad you're eating until its too late. The other day I had McDonalds twice without even a second thought, now I feel DISGUSTING. I don't particularly even enjoy MacDonalds food, it just fills the space.

It concerns me that your mind can switch off for such a short time. So I have decided my new best friend is Mr Apple.

1 apple was harmed in the making of this post

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Question - What do I love the most about music?

The question I was asked in Media Class today...

Its a difficult one, I sort of shy away at answering these questions in real life, mainly due to so many people being inept at actual analysis and dissection of musical theory. To ME, the most important part of popular music is the lyrics that are being used. If it doesn't tell a story then its just chords and a melody.

I could go on for hours about my listening habits and how I remember lyrics in everyday situations, but to me, connecting with the music is the most important thing. To me its a songs lyrics, to you it may be a beat or an instrument or a tone or a genre, and thats why music is brilliant.

Music has the ability to draw you in using so many of its features. You can like death metal or pop and still form a connection.

Singer songwriter Andrew Belle has some of the most hauntingly beautiful lyrics i have ever heard.

It is interesting seeing how different people react to different parts of music. My friend really likes Dub-Step, and his rationale is  "Its got a good beat"...... fair enough, he connects with it, and that should be a good enough reason.

In conclusion on this semi-planned, music themed rant, music should not ever be criticized or judged because it is subjective, and if an individual likes something about an artist or song, good for them :)

Monday, August 30, 2010

High School seems so far away... good or bad?

English class with Mr Wright, in the photo are some very talented people, some very nice people and a person or two that I did not get along with. 2008 was only 2 years ago but it feels like forever...

Sunday, August 29, 2010


I realised recently that there are so many things that I would like to do in my life. One of them was to make a blog and update it regularly (I have accomplished the first part).

Questions like "How many things can I realistically accomplish in life?" always pop into my head. I haven't really told many people my inner most desires and thoughts about the future. Here are a few for your viewing pleasure:

- I want to go to Las Vegas
- I want to record an album comprising of some covers and originals which has a wide range of styles and genres.
- I want to start my own tennis club called "Marshall Tennis" which has franchises all over Australia.
- I want to travel somewhere really exotic like one of the remote islands of Tahiti and take it easy.
- I want to make sure that I always have my good friends around or in contact because they mean so much to me.
- I want to eventually have a family (give it 10-13 years though)
- I want to go to the Wimbledon Tennis Open in England and see the finals.
- I want to do enough in university so that I will be able to have a good life and not be facing any struggles.

Now some of these could seem quite rational and honest thoughts, but figuring out which ones I genuinely want to pursue is such a difficult thing. I don't think its wise to go all guns blazing on one thought while potentially wrecking the outcome of another.

I guess I will find out what I really want as I get older, being 20 I haven't really encountered much and still have so much to learn, figure out and create opinions on.

One thing that has been already knocked off my list is "Singing in front of a large crowd". The Schools Spectacular and performing at the Youth Olympics were both experiences I will never forget.